Contains caffeine.
This blend will delight all tea lovers Earl Grey . Combined with Tulsi , Green Tea offers you a satisfying experience from the morning and throughout your day.
Suggested Use : 2-3 cups per day or more if you wish.
For 1 cup of 25 cl : Place an infusion bag in the Tulsi Earl Gray Green Tea in a cup of very hot water and let it steep for 5 to 10 minutes. If you wish, add a 100% natural sweetener or vegetable milk.
For 1 liter of Tulsi iced tea : Put 8 tea bags in a container and pour 50 cl of very hot pure water. Leave to infuse for 20 minutes to overnight. Remove the sachets and add 50 cl of cold water. Add a 100% natural sweetener if you wish. Put the container in the fridge and serve chilled. Ideal in high heat. Tip: When serving, add a splash of freshly squeezed lemon or orange juice, depending on your preference.