Madagascar Nature Coconut Oil 150mL
Delicately and naturally scented, our coconut oil comes from Madagascar.
It was made with care and love in an artisanal workshop where quality is the only priority . Thanks to the cold manual extraction process, our natural flavor oil has not undergone any chemical treatment or cooking, in order to keep all its nutrients healthy and intact.
This oil excellent quality and 100% natural can be used in cosmetics for hair, skin and body hygiene, etc. Or replace other fats to enhance your dishes.
- Nutrition and hydration for body and face
- Anti-fungal I Healing balm
- Makeup remover
- Lubricant I Nourishing and moisturizing hair care I Natural deodorant
- Prevention & anti-stretch marks
- Sunscreen
- Oral hygiene (mouthwash once a day)
- Helps with digestion
- Thyroid and hormonal balance
- Immediate energy supply
- Alzheimer's prevention
- Metabolism stimulation
- Strengthening bone strength
- Anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial
- Stimulation of the immune system
- Treatment of diabetes I Sugar level & cholesterol
100% extra virgin coconut oil
(cocos nucifera oil)
Extracted plant part: Fresh coconut pulp (flesh)