Jujube Honey from Madagascar, a rare and coveted honey around the world 250g
Jujube Honey is sweet with an incomparable flavor. It is very effective against liver pathologies. Known to cure skin conditions and diabetes, it is also said to have aphrodisiac properties. The Sidr tree or wild jujube tree is this isolated tree known for centuries for its immense healing pro...
Mokarana Honey from Madagascar, a rare honey with unrivaled flavors 250g
Mokarana Honey, also known as Macaranga Honey, is unique. The southern autumn flowering of the Mokarana offers a spectacular view every year. Admiring it will be the subject of a detour to the Vatovavy Fitovinany region for foreigners visiting the island. Mokarana offers a sweet and deliciousl...
Niaouli honey from Madagascar, a natural honey with a thousand virtues 250g
This pure and natural honey can be found in all kitchens. The niaouli of this honey is rich in the luxuriant vegetation of the primary forests of the South-East of Madagascar, in Manakara. Its exotic flavors combining coffee, lemongrass, mango and vanilla make it an exceptional honey. The fres...
Thyme Honey - Mouriki with Thyme Honey, from Greece 300g
Thyme honey has an open amber color, a unique taste, and a rich, distinct flavor. It has many restorative and antiseptic properties, great nutritional value and is rich in minerals such as copper and iron. In Greece, thyme honey is considered one of the most popular and expensive varieti...